炎帝現る The Flame Emperor Appears
ジェラルト: どうにか片づいたな……。犠牲も……最低限に留めた。
Jeralt: It looks like we somehow managed to sort things out. And casualties were...kept to a minimum.
They said they weren't picky about who they used as their "test subjects."
Because of them, the people of Remire Village...
炎帝: ここにいたか、Byleth。
Flame Emperor: There you are.
ジェラルト: その姿……お前が、炎帝か。
Jeralt: That armor. So, you're the Flame Emperor.
炎帝: いかにも。我が配下の死神騎士が世話になったな。
Flame Emperor: Yes. I believe you have met my subordinate, the Death Knight.
ジェラルト: 世話になったとは随分な挨拶だな。お前がこの村を滅茶苦茶に……
Jeralt: Oh, we've met him all right. But back to you. You're the one responsible for the destruction of this village.
炎帝: 勘違いするな!
Flame Emperor: Do not get the wrong idea.
ジェラルト: なに?
Jeralt: What in blazes does that mean?
炎帝: ソロンは確かに我が協力者だが、同じ目的で動いているわけではない。
Flame Emperor: It is true that I am working with Solon. But that does not mean our objectives are the same.
Had I known they planned to do this, I would have stopped it. You have my word.
ジェラルト: 口では何とでも言える。とりあえず修道院まで来てもらおうか。
Jeralt: Your words are meaningless. Now, I'll have to insist you accompany us back to the monastery.
炎帝: できぬ相談だ。……が、我と貴様らとで手を組むというのであれば受けよう。
Flame Emperor: I cannot abide that. However, if you wish to join forces, I will hear your plea.
ジェラルト: 何だと……?
Jeralt: What?!
炎帝: 放っておけば、彼奴らはまた凶行を繰り返す。それを止めたくはないのか?
Flame Emperor: If left to their own devices, they will commit countless more violent acts like this one. Do you not wish to prevent that?
With the Sword of the Creator on our side, Solon would not be a threat...
Choice 1: 手を組もう I will join your cause.
炎帝: そう怒りを露わにしていては、嘘ということが丸わかりだ。
Flame Emperor: You are lying. I can see that you cannot contain your fury toward me. Pity.
Choice 2: 手は組まない I must refuse.
炎帝: 残念だ。貴様ならそう答えるだろうとは思っていたが……。
Flame Emperor: Pity. Though not unexpected.
炎帝: その選択、後悔するでないぞ。
Flame Emperor: Pray that you do not live to regret your choice.
ヒューベルト: ジェラルト殿、先生。エーデルガルト様を見ませんでしたかな?
Hubert: Jeralt, Professor! Have you seen Lady Edelgard?!
ドゥドゥー: ジェラルト殿、先生。殿下を見なかったか。
Dedue: Jeralt. Professor. Have you seen His Highness?
ヒルダ: ジェラルトさーん、先生ー。うちの級長を見ませんでしたー?
Hilda: Jeralt! Professor! Have you seen Claude?
ジェラルト: どうした?……ちっ! しまった。
Jeralt: What's wrong, kid? Huh? Damn it!
He's gone...
ジェラルト: なあ、Byleth。大修道院に来て、お前は変わったな。
Jeralt: Hey. I've been meaning to talk to you. Since coming to the monastery...you've changed.
Choice 1: 変わった? Changed?
Choice 2: どこが? How so?
ジェラルト: ルミール村に来てから、お前、怒りっぱなしじゃねえか。
Jeralt: You've been angry since we first arrived in Remire Village.
And you look so happy when you're instructing the brats.
Before the monastery, I'd never seen you bear your emotions like that. Not once.
Choice 1: そうかもしれない You might be right.
Choice 2: 生徒たちのおかげだ It's thanks to the students.
ジェラルト: お前のそんな顔が見られるなら、大修道院に来たことも、良かったのかもしれん。
Jeralt: Then perhaps it's a good thing we came to the monastery, if only so I could see your face lit up like that.
Or maybe there was never any reason for us to leave the monastery in the first place...
Choice 1: 出る必要がなかった? A reason to leave?
Choice 2: 自分は大修道院を出てから生まれたのでは? Wasn't I born after you left the monastery?
ジェラルト: ……!しまったな……いや、そろそろ潮時か。
Jeralt: Ah... I've put my foot in my mouth, haven't I? Though I suppose it may be nearly that time...
Come to my office when you next have a moment to spare. There's something I need to tell you.
ソティス: これはいかなることじゃ? おぬしが大修道院にいた記憶なぞ、わしにはない。
Sothis: Just what was that about? I can't recall a time of old when you were at the monastery...
I wonder what is hiding in the mist that is your past...